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Monimoto Motorcycle Security Tracker

Read on to find out the number one GPS tracker for motorcycles - The Monimoto!!

We are REALLY excited about this one! Monimoto is a motorcycle tracker for your ride that is affordable, extremely user-friendly, and is powered by its own batteries. It has such a quick and easy set-up, doesn’t require any wiring, and auto arms/disarms. Read on to learn more!

Monimoto tracking device 

How does it work?


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When you put the device on your bike, you’ll want to hide it – so that it is out of sight from unwelcomed eyes. It is operated by its own batteries so that it does not take away from your bike battery (depending on the brand of battery and the device activity, the same battery should easily last a whole year). It also requires NO wiring.


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The device disarms when the Monimoto Key is nearby. This is especially nice since it happens automatically, and you don’t have to remember to manually deactivate it.


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When the Monimoto Tracking Device can’t detect your Monimoto Key nearby, it will automatically arm itself. It will be ready to detect ANY movement with your bike, ie: neighborhood rascals or a thief.


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If the Monimoto Tracking Device detects any movement with your bike and not the key (to disarm), then it will call you in 50 seconds after the movement was detected. The Monimoto Tracking Device also sends the coordinates of the Device to the Monimoto App – and continues to update the location - giving the proper authorities everything they need for the stolen motorcycle recovery.


Installing the Monimoto tracking device under a motorcycle seat

If you’re interested in hottest security system for motorcycles, check out the product here or some of the other safety devices we offer at Motomentum.

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