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What Kinds of Gear Should Electric Skateboarders Use?

Electric skateboarding is an exhilarating way to get around, but it comes with its share of risks. Ensuring your safety while riding is paramount. Let’s discuss the essential safety gear every electric skateboarder should have to protect themselves on the road.


Your helmet is the most crucial piece of safety gear. It protects your head in the event of a fall or collision. Always wear a certified skateboard or bike helmet to reduce the risk of head injuries. Look for helmets with features like adjustable straps and adequate ventilation for comfort.

Protective Pads

Knee and elbow pads are essential to safeguard your joints. Falling on your knees or elbows can result in painful injuries, so invest in high-quality, certified protective pads. They should fit snugly and provide ample coverage.


Gloves with wrist guards offer protection for your hands and wrists. In the event of a fall, they can prevent wrist sprains and fractures. Look for gloves with reinforced palms and integrated wrist support.

Safety Lights

Safety lights are crucial for visibility, especially when riding at dusk, dawn, or during the night. Attach front and rear lights to your electric skateboard to ensure that other road users can see you clearly.

Reflective Clothing

Wearing reflective clothing or accessories enhances your visibility to drivers and pedestrians. Invest in reflective vests, jackets, or even reflective tape to make yourself stand out, particularly in low-light conditions.

Closed-Toe Shoes

Proper footwear is essential for maintaining control and grip on your electric skateboard. Closed-toe shoes with a good tread are ideal. Avoid sandals, flip-flops, or shoes with open backs.

Sunglasses or Goggles

Sunglasses or goggles protect your eyes from wind, debris, and glare. Opt for shatterproof lenses with UV protection to keep your eyes safe and comfortable during rides.

First-Aid Kit

Carrying a compact first-aid kit in your backpack or riding gear is a smart precaution. It can be handy for minor cuts, scrapes, or abrasions that might occur during a ride.

Safety should always be a top priority when electric skateboarding. By investing in the right safety gear from Motomentum and wearing it consistently, you can enjoy the thrill of riding while minimizing the risk of injury. Don't compromise on safety—your well-being is worth it.